Advanced Field Construction

With FieldManager, you can tweak how fields are constructed in order to gain performance improvement in kernel calculations.

By supplying a customized FieldManager when registering a field, you can construct a field however you want.


  • If you don't know why constructing fields differently can improve performance, don't use this feature.
  • If you don't know how to construct fields differently, please refer to Taichi field documentation.


In, FieldManager is defined as an abstract class as

class FieldManager(ABC):
    FieldManagers enable potential flexible field constructions and manipulations.

    For example, instead of ordinarily layout-ting a multidimensional field,
    you can do hierarchical placements for fields, which may gives dramatic performance improvements
    based on applications. Since hierarchical fields may not have the same shape of input tensor,
    it's YOUR responsibility to write a FieldManager that can correctly transform field values into/from tensors

    def construct_field(self,
                        fields_builder: ti.FieldsBuilder,
                        concrete_tensor_shape: Tuple[int, ...],
                        needs_grad: bool) -> Union[ScalarField, MatrixField]:

    def to_tensor(self, field: Union[ScalarField, MatrixField]) -> torch.Tensor:

    def grad_to_tensor(self, grad_field: Union[ScalarField, MatrixField]) -> torch.Tensor:

    def from_tensor(self, field: Union[ScalarField, MatrixField], tensor: torch.Tensor):

    def grad_from_tensor(self, grad_field: Union[ScalarField, MatrixField], tensor: torch.Tensor):

One example is the DefaultFieldManger in defined as:

class DefaultFieldManager(FieldManager):
    Default field manager which layouts data in tensors by constructing fields
    with the ordinary multidimensional array layout

    def __init__(self,
                 dtype: TiDataType,
                 complex_dtype: bool,
                 device: torch.device):
        self.dtype: TiDataType = dtype
        self.complex_dtype: bool = complex_dtype
        self.device: torch.device = device

    def construct_field(self,
                        fields_builder: ti.FieldsBuilder,
                        concrete_tensor_shape: Tuple[int, ...],
                        needs_grad: bool) -> Union[ScalarField, MatrixField]:
        assert not fields_builder.finalized
        if self.complex_dtype:
            field = ti.Vector.field(2, dtype=self.dtype, needs_grad=needs_grad)
            field = ti.field(self.dtype, needs_grad=needs_grad)

        if needs_grad:
            fields_builder \
                .dense(axes(*range(len(concrete_tensor_shape))), concrete_tensor_shape) \
                .place(field, field.grad)
            fields_builder.dense(axes(*range(len(concrete_tensor_shape))), concrete_tensor_shape).place(field)
        return field

    def to_tensor(self, field: Union[ScalarField, MatrixField]) -> torch.Tensor:
        tensor = field.to_torch(device=self.device)
        if self.complex_dtype:
            tensor = torch.view_as_complex(tensor)
        return tensor

    def grad_to_tensor(self, grad_field: Union[ScalarField, MatrixField]) -> torch.Tensor:
        tensor = grad_field.to_torch(device=self.device)
        if self.complex_dtype:
            tensor = torch.view_as_complex(tensor)
        return tensor

    def from_tensor(self, field: Union[ScalarField, MatrixField], tensor: torch.Tensor):
        if self.complex_dtype:
            tensor = torch.view_as_real(tensor)

    def grad_from_tensor(self, grad_field: Union[ScalarField, MatrixField], tensor: torch.Tensor):
        if self.complex_dtype:
            tensor = torch.view_as_real(tensor)