
Tin and EmptyTin are thinest layers that bridge Taichi and PyTorch.


To use them, you will need:

  • a Taichi kernel or a Taichi data-oriented-class instance
  • Taichi fields
  • and registration as shown below
from stannum import Tin
import torch

data_oriented = TiClass()  # some Taichi data-oriented class 
device = torch.device("cpu")
kernel_args = (1.0,)
tin_layer = Tin(data_oriented, device=device, auto_clear_grad=True)
.register_kernel(data_oriented.forward_kernel, *kernel_args, kernel_name="forward")  # on old Taichi
# .register_kernel(data_oriented.forward_kernel, *kernel_args)  # on new Taichi
.register_internal_field(data_oriented.weight_field, name="field name")
.finish()  # finish() is required to finish construction
output = tin_layer(input_tensor)

It is NOT necessary to have a @ti.data_oriented class as long as you correctly register the fields that your kernel needs for forward and backward calculation.

Please use EmptyTin in this case, for example:

from stannum import EmptyTin
import torch
import taichi as ti

input_field = ti.field(ti.f32)
output_field = ti.field(ti.f32)
internal_field = ti.field(ti.f32)

def some_kernel(bias: float):
    output_field[None] = input_field[None] + internal_field[None] + bias

device = torch.device("cpu")
kernel_args = (1.0,)
tin_layer = EmptyTin(device, True)\
    .register_kernel(some_kernel, *kernel_args)\
    .register_internal_field(internal_field, name="field name")\
    .finish()  # finish() is required to finish construction
output = tin_layer(input_tensor)

Restrictions & Warning

For input and output, the restrictions are:

  • We can register multiple input_field, output_field, internal_field.
  • At least one input_field and one output_field should be registered.
  • The order of input tensors must match the registration order of input_fields.
  • The output order will align with the registration order of output_fields.
  • Kernel args must be acceptable by Taichi kernels and they will not get gradients.

Be warned that it is YOUR responsibility to create and manage fields and if you don’t manage fields properly, memory leaks and read-after-free of fields can happen.




def __init__(self,
             data_oriented: Any,
             device: torch.device,
             auto_clear_grad: bool,
             _auto_clear: bool = need_auto_clearing_fields):
    Init a Tin instance
    @param data_oriented: @ti.data_oriented class instance
    @param device: torch.device instance
    @param auto_clear_grad: auto clear gradients in fields before backward computation
    @param _auto_clear: clear fields before use


def __init__(self,
             device: torch.device,
             auto_clear_grad: bool,
             _auto_clear: bool = need_auto_clearing_fields):
    Init an EmptyTin instance

    @param device: torch.device instance
    @param auto_clear_grad: auto clear gradients in fields before backward computation
    @param _auto_clear: clear fields before use, for legacy Taichi

If _auto_clear is True, then all the registered fields will be cleared before running the kernel(s), which prevents some undefined behaviors due to un-initialized memory of fields before Taichi 0.9.1. After Taichi 0.9.1, the memory of fields is automatically cleared after creation, so auto_clear is not necessary anymore. But it is still configurable if desired.


Register Kernels


def register_kernel(self, kernel: Callable, *kernel_args: Any, kernel_name: Optional[str] = None):
        Register a kernel for forward calculation

        @param kernel: Taichi kernel
        @param kernel_args: arguments for the kernel
        @param kernel_name: kernel name, optional for new Taichi, compulsory for old Taichi
        @return: self


def register_kernel(self, kernel: Union[Callable, str], *kernel_args: Any, kernel_name: Optional[str] = None):
        Register a kernel for forward calculation
        @param kernel: kernel function or kernel name
        @param kernel_args: args for the kernel, optional
        @param kernel_name: kernel name, optional for new Taichi, compulsory for old Taichi
        @return: self

Register Fields

Register input fields:

def register_input_field(self, field: Union[ScalarField, MatrixField],
                         name: Optional[str] = None,
                         needs_grad: Optional[bool] = None,
                         complex_dtype: bool = False):
        Register an input field which requires a tensor input in the forward calculation

        @param field: Taichi field
        @param name: name of this field, default: "input_field_ith"
        @param needs_grad: whether the field needs grad, `None` for automatic configuration
        @param complex_dtype: whether the input tensor that is going to be filled into this field is complex numbers
        @return: self

Register internal fields that are used to store intermediate values if multiple kernels are used:

def register_internal_field(self, field: Union[ScalarField, MatrixField],
                            needs_grad: Optional[bool] = None,
                            name: Optional[str] = None,
                            value: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
                            complex_dtype: bool = False):
        Register a field that serves as weights internally and whose values are required by the kernel function

        @param field: Taichi field
        @param needs_grad: whether the field needs grad, `None` for automatic configuration
        @param name: name for the field, facilitating later value setting, `None` for default number naming
        @param value: optional initial values from a tensor
        @param complex_dtype: whether the input tensor that is going to be filled into this field is complex numbers
        @return: self

Register output fields:

def register_output_field(self, field: Union[ScalarField, MatrixField],
                          name: Optional[str] = None,
                          needs_grad: Optional[bool] = None,
                          complex_dtype: bool = False):
        Register an output field that backs an output tensor in the forward calculation

        @param field: Taichi field
        @param name: name of this field, default: "output_field_ith"
        @param needs_grad: whether the field needs grad, `None` for automatic configuration
        @param complex_dtype: whether the input tensor that is going to be filled into this field is complex numbers
        @return: self


Internal fields

The values of internal fields can be set by:

def set_internal_field(self, field_name: Union[str, int], tensor: torch.Tensor):
        Sets the value of an internal field from a tensor

        @param field_name: integer(when using default number naming) or string name
        @param tensor: values for the field
        @return: None

Kernel Arguments

Kernels may need arguments that do not need gradients, then you can set extra arguments with Tin/EmptyTin.set_kernelargs() or set extra arguments in Tin/EmptyTin.register_kernel()

def set_kernel_args(self, kernel: Union[Callable, str], *kernel_args: Any):
        Set args for a kernel
        @param kernel: kernel function or its name
        @param kernel_args: kernel arguments

One example is shown below. Note that the kernel has already contains references to fields, which differs from the case in Tube.

input_field = ti.field(ti.f32)
output_field = ti.field(ti.f32)
internal_field = ti.field(ti.f32)

def some_kernel(adder: float):
    output_field[None] = input_field[None] + internal_field[None] + adder